ESTRAGON: Perhaps he could dance first and think afterwards, if it isn't too much to ask him. VLADIMIR: Would that be possible? POZZO: By all means, nothing simpler. It's the natural order. [Samuel Beckett]
Si le monde était clair, l'art ne serait pas. [Albert Camus, 1942]
Caminante, son tus huellas | el camino y nada más; | caminante, no hay camino, | se hace camino al andar. [Antonio Machado]
Fool, do not boast, | thou canst not touch the freedom of my mind | with all thy charms. [John Milton, 1634]
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Commenti recenti
- Sergio Bestente su Lettera alla Stampa su un’intervista a Buscaroli
- Andrea Lombardi su Lettera alla Stampa su un’intervista a Buscaroli
- Sergio Bestente su L’ira di Sokolov
- Angelo su L’ira di Sokolov
- Sergio Bestente su L’ira di Sokolov
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- Neue Mozart Ausgabe
- On An Overgrown Path
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